These name tags are 1 1/2" tall by 3" wide, giving you more area to add an extra line of text to your name tag such as the company name or slogan, or the person's position or credentials. Printing the text in a contrasting color really makes the name tag pop.

1.5x3 Full Color Name Tag

  CHOOSE OPTIONSPricing (base price)
1-24 Price 6.75
25-49 Price 6.25
50-99 Price 5.75
100-499 Price 5.25
500+ Price 5.00
Choose Color:

Black on Gold

Blue on Gold

Red on Gold

Green on Gold

Black on Silver

Blue on Silver

Red on Silver

Green on Silver

Black on White

Blue on White

Red on White

Green on White
Choose Corner:
Square Corner Round Corner (Add $0.50 ea.)
Choose Backing:

Pin (FREE)

Magnet (Add $1.50 ea.)

Clip (Add $1.00 ea.)

Pocket (Add $1.50 ea.)
Choose Font:
Times New Roman
Goudy Old Style
Choose Quantity:
Enter Quantity:      All items sold individually